International Scientific Educational Forum
“Human, Family and Society: History and Prospects for Development”
November 26 - 28, 2012, Krasnoyarsk, KSPU named after V.P. Astafiev
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“The 70th anniversary of the ferry air-route “Alaska-Siberia””


“The 70th anniversary of the ferry air-route “Alaska-Siberia””

November 27, 2012.


Venue: Krasnoyarsk, MBGEI “Secondary General Lyceum #11”, 37, Vavilova St.


Participants of the conference:

Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk Region and the regional bodies of the executive power.

Representatives of the Local Governments (urban districts, municipal districts)

Representatives of the Regional Council of Veterans

Representatives of the school museums, teachers of History, archival depository staff, veterans of the World War II, members of the presidium of the Regional Council of Veterans, journalists, members of scouting forces, students of General Education Institutions, students of primary, general and higher education Institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Region, representatives of Irkutsk and Omsk provinces, that practice search and research activities on the topic of the conference.

Representatives of the public associations

All interested persons.


09.30 – 10.00

Registration of participants



Plenary session


10.00 – 10.03

Opening of the Conference

Welcoming Speech  by  Natalya Viktorovna Anokhina, Deputy Minister  for Education and Science of  Krasnoyarsk Region


10.03 – 10.10

Reports of the representatives of the Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk Region and the regional bodies of the executive power.


10.10 – 14.00

Reports on the topic of the Conference

1st part. The historical importance of the ferry air-route “Alaska-Siberia”

- Olga Leonidovna Podborskaya, Head of school museum at Lyceum #11, executive of the regional project “ALSIB-70”. On the regional project “To find the airplanes, to return back the names”.

- B. E. Andyusev, Candidate of Historical Sciences. “Lend-lease” agreement between USSR and the USA, its importance for the victory over Nazi Germany

- A.O. Krivolutskiy, teacher of History at the Krasnoyarsk Municipal Budget General Education Institution “Secondary General School #24”. The history of foundation of the Krasnoyarsk air-route (“Alaska-Siberia”)

- V.V. Fillipov, historian-scout. Krasnoyarsk Airport during the Great Patriotic War and its importance for the work of air-route.

- S.S. Akselrod, Head of the museum of the Krasnoyarsk Municipal Budget General Education Institution “Secondary General School #19”. The unknown heroes – toilers of the air-route”

- S.V. Sokolova, Head of the museum of the Krasnoyarsk Municipal Budget General Education Institution “Secondary General School #149”. “Aerocobra” – the symbol of the aviation lend-lease.

- S.B. Bodikova, Deputy Headmaster on educational work at the Krasnoyarsk Municipal Budget General Education Institution “Secondary General School #149”. The importance of the air-route for the further reclamation of the uninhabited areas of Siberia, Far North and Far East”.


2nd Part. The study of history of the airway in the regions of Siberia.

- I.I. Filatova, editor of a television studio, Omsk. Perpetuation of the memory of the pilots, who died ferrying to the territory of Omsk Region.

- A.G. Kaminskiy, the teacher of history, scout, Nizhnedudinsk, Irkutsk Region. Searches for fallen ferry pilots in the Nizhnedudinsk district of the Irkutsk Region.

- M.I. Deniskin, journalist, writer, Irkutsk. On search operations in the Irkutsk Region.

- I.G. Prokofiev, Kazan. Method of identifying the aircraft by the fragments, found in the crash area.


3rd Part. Search and research activity of the ferry air-route in the Krasnoyarsk Region.

- T.V. Belinskaya, Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Center of Tourism and Local History. Historical and patriotic club as a resource of organization of the search and research activity with the participation of students.

- O.L. Podborskaya, Search operations and perpetuation of the memory of the fallen pilots, who died in the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Region. Discoveries, found in area of Kryuchkovo station of the Emelyanovskiy district.

- T.A Bokovikova., Head of the museum of the Krasnoyarsk Municipal Budget General Education Institution “Secondary General School #148”. Search operations in proximity to the Belorusskaya village, Berezovskiy district.

- A.R. Boos, Deputy of Irbeiskiy District. Search operations in proximity to Petropavlovka village, Irbeiskiy district.

- L.A. Korshunova, teacher of history. Search operations in the neighborhood of Zelenogorsk.


14.00 – 14.10

Discussion and adoption of a project of resolution of the conference.

O.L. Podborskaya, the head of the museum.


14.10 – 14.25

Summation of the conference, Anokhina Natalya Viktorovna, the Vice-Minister of the Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk Region.


15.00 – 17.00

Excursion to the Municipal Institution of Culture “Victory Memorial”


Visit to the grave site of the pilots of the 5th ferry regiment in the Troitskiy Cemetery in Krasnoyarsk, T.V. Belinskaya, Deputy Director of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Center of Tourism and Local History.



2012. Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical university named after V.P. Astafiev.
Development KSPU :: Skotnikov Leonid