International Scientific Educational Forum
“Human, Family and Society: History and Prospects for Development”
November 26 - 28, 2012, Krasnoyarsk, KSPU named after V.P. Astafiev
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Public lecture “Innovations management in social sphere”

Public lecture

Innovations management in social sphere”

November 28, 2012.


Galina Nikolaevna Prozumentova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of Education Management at Tomsk State University


Timing: 10.00-12.00


Venue: Krasnoyarsk, 100, K. Marksa St., Room 2-01.


Annotation of the report:

There are a lot of demands as well as requirements to school and institutions of social service now because for a long period of time these institutions have been under the influence of one authority –the state. But now parents and educational community itself, employers are gaining strong influence. It is a very positive situation for the school development, when it is determined by different authorities, although lately the state has become much more active, and tries to take priority deciding what the school should do. The fact that the state is trying to make a standard is not bad. Actually it is important to have some understanding of how education and social service should be formed. But the problem in not in the standard, it is in the way  how it is formed: the old methods  of “throwing in” the standard are still  in use.

The school and the institution of social sphere should become the place for understanding the idea of what results should be. If we say that nowadays the state, employers, parents, children and professional community have become  the customer, it is obvious that the quality of education and social service  will depend  on their agreement.

It is important to use the management language, to understand how these practices came into existence, what mechanisms and conditions of management let such practices exist i.e.  what the management should do for practices to appear, be maintained and interact with each other. The higher education institution representative's participation allows schools and institutions of social service proceed from experience to it’s generalization, to creating understandable models,  to formation of different types of technologies and methods.  Faculty members with their research culture, ability to generalize and systematize can become good assistants for teachers.

Now when the standards are being introduced and  the USE (Unified State Examination) is under coltrol, the management of education and social sphere becomes tougher in terms of accumulation of documents, accountability and supervision for work, so the responsibility  can not be taken because any possibilities are deprived and it is shown that there is a responsible person that is different levels of education department, and social protection. This situation is difficult and unfavourable for the development of education and social sphere. It is very important not to dictate to the institutions what they should be responsible for, but to give them an opportunity to choose. I live with the professional belief that the biggest problem in educational management and social protection is a mistrust to  teachers and headmasters. Schools and the institutions of social service should have an opportunity to take the responsibility themselves.



2012. Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical university named after V.P. Astafiev.
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